How to Earn Passively With Masternodes – A Comprehensive Guide

How to Earn Passively With Masternodes – A Comprehensive Guide

Crypto users who run masternodes play a key role in the operations of blockchain networks. Their contribution is never free. Instead, they earn rewards. However, to become a

Understanding Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) – All You Need to Know

Understanding Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) – All You Need to Know

Since its emergence over a decade ago, blockchain technology has changed how digital transactions are processed. The innovation has led to the introduction of various consensus mechanisms to

What is Cryptojacking? – All You Need to Know

What is Cryptojacking? – All You Need to Know

As the crypto space continues to become popular, bad actors have created malware to steal computational power from entities and individuals through cryptojacking. In this article, we will

A Guide to Browser-Based Crypto Mining – All You Need to Know

A Guide to Browser-Based Crypto Mining – All You Need to Know

Back when crypto mining was relatively cheap, several websites were created, allowing miners to mint new Bitcoin. As mining difficulty increased, these websites ceased operations due to stiff

All You Need to Know About Leased Proof-of-Stake (LPoS)

All You Need to Know About Leased Proof-of-Stake (LPoS)

If you are a regular crypto user, then it is likely you have heard about the proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. But is it related to leased proof-of-stake (LPoS)?

Top 6 Crypto Mining Games – Best Picks for 2024

Top 6 Crypto Mining Games – Best Picks for 2024

Since the start of the year, crypto mining games have gained massive traction among gaming fanatics. But what are they? Well, this article has the answers to that

What is CryptoNight Mining Algorithm? – Everything You Need to Know

What is CryptoNight Mining Algorithm? – Everything You Need to Know

All proof-of-work blockchains require miners to follow certain rules when validating transactions. Mining algorithms guide the miners. In this guide, we will discuss the CryptoNight mining algorithm. Keep

Understanding Metadata in Blockchain Transactions: Everything You Need to Know

Understanding Metadata in Blockchain Transactions: Everything You Need to Know

Although the primary function of any blockchain network is to process and document transactions, metadata allows users to include extra information in these transactions. If you wish to

Bitcoin Miners vs. Bitcoin Nodes: Understanding the Key Difference

Bitcoin Miners vs. Bitcoin Nodes: Understanding the Key Difference

Bitcoin miners and Bitcoin nodes are two vital elements of the Bitcoin ecosystem. While many use the terms interchangeably, they have major differences, which we seek to discuss

How Long Does it Take to Mine a Single Bitcoin?

How Long Does it Take to Mine a Single Bitcoin?

New BTC coins enter the circulating supply through a process known as crypto mining. The entities participating in mining are called miners. Their primary work is to search