A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying Cosmos (ATOM) Using a Credit Card

A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying Cosmos (ATOM) Using a Credit Card

Cosmos, the blockchain that emphasizes interoperability, has seen significant adoption over the past few months. Its native token, known as ATOM, has also grown in popularity. If you wish to buy it, there are several payment methods to use, including Apple Pay, bank transfer, Google Pay, and debit/credit cards. In this guide, we will teach how to buy ATOM using a credit card.

Exploring Cosmos

As mentioned, Cosmos is big on interoperability. The blockchain provides necessary tools for developers to create blockchains that are compatible with each other, making it easy for users to transfer tokens.

Cosmos Key Features

Cosmos Hub

This feature is used by blockchains built within the Cosmos ecosystem to store data. Moreover, it allows communication between those blockchains.


This feature powers Cosmos’ core functions, which include connecting decentralized apps, running the blockchain’s code, and securing the entire ecosystem.

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This token is used for collecting transaction fees, staking, and voting. However, only the leading 100 stakers are allowed to vote.

According to CoinGecko’s data, ATOM is the 30th largest crypto asset, with a market cap of $1.8 billion as of October 19, 2023. Although its total supply is not mentioned, CoinGecko shows there are 293.58 million ATOM tokens in circulation.

How to Purchase ATOM With Your Credit Card

Several leading centralized exchanges have listed ATOM. They include Coinbase, OKX, Binance, and Kraken. We will take you through the process of buying the token with a credit card on Kraken. Simply follow these steps:

Create a Kraken Account

Before you can buy ATOM, you need a Kraken trading account. To set up one, download the crypto exchange’s mobile app on either Google’s Play Store or Apple’s App Store. Afterward, open it and click “Sign Up,” then provide all the necessary details. Remember to verify the account as well in order to access all features on the Kraken exchange.

Purchase ATOM

With your verified account, you can now use it to buy ATOM. To do this, hit the “Buy Crypto” button and then click “Buy” to access all the listed crypto assets. Select ATOM and the USD amount you wish to spend.

After that, press the “Add Payment Method” button and choose the credit/debit card option. Enter the card details and the one-time password sent via email or SMS by your bank, then approve the transaction. The ATOM tokens will be available in your Kraken account within seconds.

Where to Store ATOM

Crypto exchanges, like Kraken, should only be used for trading and not storing cryptocurrencies. That said, you will need an ATOM-compatible non-custodial wallet to store your tokens. Some of the recommended wallets include MetaMask, Citadel One, Leap, Cosmostation, Keplr, and Exodus.

Factors to Consider When Purchasing ATOM With Your Credit Card

Selecting a Crypto Exchange

Besides centralized exchanges, you can buy ATOM on a decentralized exchange. The second option is ideal for people who want to buy the crypto asset anonymously. That’s because decentralized exchanges do not ask users to provide personal details to trade. However, such platforms are challenging to use, especially for beginners.

Transaction Fees

When picking a crypto exchange to buy ATOM using a credit card, check and compare the transaction cost to be incurred on various platforms and settle for one that charges less.


After buying your ATOM tokens and storing them in a self-custody wallet, it is your duty to protect them from being stolen. To do this, do not share your private keys or connect the wallet to websites without doing your due diligence.

Is Investing in ATOM Worth it?

Many crypto users are advocating for blockchains to embrace interoperability to simplify the transfer of tokens from one chain to another. Cosmos is already addressing this issue. So, there is a high chance that more users could start using the blockchain in the future. If that happens, ATOM use cases will increase, boosting its value in the process.

In our opinion, ATOM should be viewed as a long-term investment. However, do not take our word for it. Instead, do your homework before buying the token.

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Michael Varney
About Author

Michael Varney

Michael Varney, a distinguished name in crypto journalism, offers deep insights into the world of blockchain. Merging meticulous research with eloquent prose, Michael's articles decode the complexities of digital currencies, establishing him as an indispensable source for those keen on understanding the evolving crypto landscape.

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